And Shout-Out Review for LislDesign, Inc. (Website Design)
Address: 74 63rd St, Willowbrook, IL 60527 Awards, Prizes, Free Food, Wine & Craft Beer - Fun for all ages!
Friday, September 30, 2022, 6-10 p.m. at Chateau Orleans in Darien
Janet Garreau Interfaith Community Partners 708-354-9328 [email protected] Please contact [email protected], 620-734-9911, Willowbrook-Naperville, IL We want to earn the opportunity to be ONE SOURCE with INFINITE RESOURCES you trust for your important, printing and promotional items projects and programs in 2022. Have a profitable business year. Join the Indian Prairie Public Library via Zoom on Monday, April 18, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. for a workshop on Cybersecurity Essentials for Small Businesses.
Jody Jankovsky, Founder & CEO of Blackline IT will outline some of the best practices and fundamental techniques that small businesses can - and should! - use to strengthen their cybersecurity. This program is presented by SCORE Fox Valley. Register here to participate: You will receive an email with the Zoom information from SCORE before the program begins. If you want to keep up with business-related programs, resources, and other opportunities at the library, sign up here to receive our quarterly Business Connection newsletter: Got questions? Reach out to Programming & Outreach Librarian Jen Ripka at [email protected] or visit us online at Jen Ripka Indian Prairie Public Library (630) 884-8028 [email protected] Looking for a proven way to enhance your credibility and attract new business?
Turn to the tried and true (yet often overlooked) power of client testimonials. Contact a satisfied customer and ask if he or she would share their positive experience in the form of flattering quotes and comments that can be utilized in your marketing materials. Whether it's an online review, a client case study, an ad featuring a photo of and favorable client comments, or a brochure that includes a reprinted letter of praise from a satisfied customer; testimonials are powerful promotional tools. Browsers, readers and prospective clients pay attention to testimonials because they can relate to honest remarks from and interesting stories about real people. Walsh Communications can suggest creative ways to present your unique story. E-mail or call us today for valuable ideas on how to mine hidden gold from your contented clientele. Also visit the blog on our website for other useful marketing tips! Lynn Walsh Walsh Communications LLC 6303237200 [email protected] |
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